Divisions - Education

Pawnee Nation Education

The mission of the Pawnee Nation Education Division is to provide educational and supportive services to Pawnee Nation tribal members and federally recognized tribal members residing in Pawnee County to enable members to obtain the skills needed to become productive individuals and contributors to their respective communities.

Services provided include assisting with job searches, temporary job training placements, assistance with vocational training programs, resume preparation, supportive services as well as needs related payments. One of the most prevalent activities within our 477 Program is the Summer Youth Work Program.


James Black, Education Division Director

(918) 762-3227 Ext. 224


Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
657 Harrison Street, Downtown
Pawnee, OK 74058

Monday - Friday, 8 am to 12 pm & 1 pm to 5 pm
Offices are closed on all major holidays and during lunch.
Like us on Facebook at: Pawnee Nation Education


Youth Fund Supplemental Funding - VISA card